Ajith Kumar’s Thursday sentiment continues with the first-look poster of his latest Viswasam releasing earlier today. It features Ajith in two different looks. The grey- haired version is seen in front of a what appears to be a city. The younger version, in a bright red shirt, is superimposed onto a festival-like atmosphere.
Predictably, the first-look has been trending on social media since its release. Fan associations across the State have made banners featuring it and some have even pledged to decorate their vehicles with the design.
However, some did wonder why the producer chose to release the first look that early in the morning – at 3.40 am! A couple of years ago, the trend was to release the movie’s promotional material at midnight, but that has petered out in recent times. The decision to release the first look at the time they did was due to religious reasons, says a source close to the unit. “Even the Thursday sentiment is because of certain beliefs that Ajith has,” he informed.
Producer TG Thiagarajan says that the poster is very apt as it accurately portrays the mass and class aspects of the movie. “Viswasam can’t be billed as belonging to one particular genre. It would be accurate to say that the entire film has a festival-like atmosphere. Ajith sir will definitely make an impact with the movie. We are looking at a Pongal release and the film will convey the nativity of the festival.”
Director Siva wanted the first look to be a colourful introduction to the film. “But, we didn’t want to reveal the nature of the film. So, I tasked the designer with getting the essence of Viswasam right. I feel the final output is pretty accurate. This is a Thala celebration, after all.”
Viswasam is the fourth Siva-Ajith Kumar film to have a title that begins with ‘V’. “It wasn’t a conscious attempt on our part the first two times. But now that we have done it for the fourth time, I guess, it has become a habit. Now, when they see an Ajith sir film with a title that begins with ‘V’, perhaps, they’ll associate it with me,” he smiles.