Vinta Nanda, a former producer and director, has accused senior actor Alok Nath of sexual assault. In a post on her Facebook page, Vinta says that she was raped by the actor almost two decades ago. Nanda attended a party hosted by the actor at his house. She was inebriated and suspected at the time that her drink had been tampered with. She decided to walk home. Nanda says that the male actor drove upto her and told her that he would drop her. As he was the husband of her close friend and an actor on her show Tara, she got in. However, she was ‘brutalised’ in her own home by the actor.
Later, Nanda was hired by a channel to work on a show, and found that he had joined the cast. He once again propositioned Nanda. This time, she acquiesced as she needed the job.
Nanda said that the actor would show up drunk to the sets of Tara, and tried to molest the female lead several times. After protests from the cast and crew, he was removed. But, on the last day of the shoot, he molested the female lead while his last scene was being shot. Though he left the show the very same day, he was brought back later, Nanda added.
Nanda disclosed the identity of the male actor through a text message to IANS. Many speculated that the events described in Nanda’s post pointed to actor Alok Nath. Nanda too confirmed this, an IANS report said.
Nanda says she took 19 years to overcome the trauma caused by the actor.
Cine and TV Artistes Association’s Sushant Singh has reached out to Vinta Nanda through Twitter. He has promised that a show cause notice would be sent to Alok Nath.
Dear @vintananda I am so so sorry. As @CintaaOfficial a show-cause Notice will be sent to @aloknath first thing in the mrng, why he shudnt b expld. Unfortunately we’ve to follow the due process. I urge u to file a complaint against this vile creature, we extend u full support.
— sushant singh (@sushant_says) October 8, 2018