K Bhagyaraj, who stepped down recently as the president of the Writers’ Union, has refused to take back his resignation and demands an election be held to choose the body’s governing council.
After the Sarkar plagiarism controversy, writer and director K Bhagyaraj resigned from his post as the President of the South Indian Film Writers’ Association (SWAN). However, the executive body of the association responded to his resignation and said that members did not accept his resignation, and requested him to take up the presidency again.
Now, a report in Daily Thanthi says that K Bhagyaraj is not ready to take up the president post again and has said that the president should be decided only after a proper election.
Bhagyaraj said that when the Sarkar controversy broke and the Writers’ Union was involved deeply, he faced some difficulties in resolving the issue. He said he believes that some of the problems cropped up due to the fact that he did not contest an internal election at the Union, and therefore believes it is the right thing for him to step down now. He had further said that there were irregularities and concerns in the functioning of the union, and unless those are addressed comprehensively, the union will not be able to work effectively for the welfare of the writers.