Suseenthiran’s shoot of his upcoming Champion in North Chennai was stalled earlier this week. Sources from the unit tell us that a group of people prevented the team from shooting a scene in the area. Initial reports say that the people who objected were fishermen, incensed at the negative portrayal of their community and the area in recent Tamil films.
Vada Chennai directed by Vetrimaaran is one such film that has drawn criticism from the community for its portrayal of North Chennai residents as drug peddlers and miscreants.
The team of Champion, a film about an underdog sportsman, was allowed to shoot only after director Suseenthiran gave a formal declaration in the form of a letter that the movie would not malign the people belonging to the fishing community in any way.
A spokesperson for Suseenthiran and his film confirmed this incident. He said:
“We were not expecting any issues but shortly after we reached the area, there was a lot of issues with the people there. They interfered with the shoot and said films have shown them in a negative light recently. They wanted to ensure such things don’t happen, and that’s why they protested. When we narrated our side of the story and told them in no uncertain terms that we won’t subject them to further damage, they obliged. Suseenthiran and the producer have given this in writing.”
A spokesperson for the Indian Fishermen Association, MD Dayalan, said that a letter has been sent to the Kasimedu Harbour authorities asking them to not allow any film shoots in the area. “This is our workplace. First of all, these shootings interfere with our regular work. Ultimately,the final product portrays us in a wrong manner. There is very negative perception about our community. We are just like any other. We work hard and make sure that our families have what they need to survive. Despite our efforts, we get a lot of criticism since we have been portrayed badly in movies. Some of our people have trouble getting their children into good schools,” he said.
Dayalan said that it was high time that cinema and filmmakers started undoing the damage they inflicted. “They must restore our reputation,” he said.
As the team of Champion had paid a fee to the Kasimedu board for the use of the premises for the shoot, they were allowed to continue. “They have followed all the rules. They listened to our demands. So we agreed. Recently, a film was shot inside our area for six months, and ultimately they showed us as murderers and goons. We are fed up,” he said.
Champion has Roshan and Mirnalini in lead roles. Arrol Correlli handles the music.