The motion poster of the Telugu film Kalki was launched today by actor Rajasekhar. The film is directed by Prashanth Varma (of Awe fame), and is an investigative thriller set in 1983. The first look poster shows Rajasekhar sitting in a jeep.
Excited to release the #KalkiFirstAvatar. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year from team Kalki, my family and me?@PrasanthVarma let's do this!
Please plug in earphones. @adah_sharma @Nanditasweta @eyrahul— Dr.Rajasekhar (@ActorRajasekhar) January 1, 2019
It was speculated earlier that the film might be based on a mythological tale. The title Kalki was said to denote the end of the world. Rajasekhar’s last film was the 2017 spy thriller PSV Garuda Vega. He hasn’t had a release in 2018, Kalki was the only film that was announced.
Adah Sharma plays female lead in the movie.
Contd…I'm doing a period film after 1920 and Rajasekhar Garu and a producer like C Kalyan will bring the grand scale that is required for a film like this. Thrilled that they chose me to play the leading lady?Can't wait to start❤️need all your love and blessings ??? "KALKI"
— Adah Sharma (@adah_sharma) November 2, 2018
Kalki made news recently when Rajasekhar met with an accident during the shoot. He said in a statement, “10 days back I was injured on the sets of Kalki while shooting a stunt sequence. I couldn’t take rest because we could not stop shoot, the film has a big cast. I am recovering slowly. I’m much better now.”
Kullu Manali was one of the shooting locations for the movie. The crew happened to be there when the recent landslides happened. The actor said, “A landslide on the route halted our journey. But nothing has happened to anyone. We are all safe. We have resumed our journey and I am looking forward to shooting at Kullu Manali.” Karthi’s Dev was the other film that had to stop shoot because of landslides in Kullu Manali.
Jointly produced by C. Kalyan, Shivani Rajasekhar and Shivathmika Rajasekhar – the actor’s daughters, Kalki was announced in August 2018. The story is rumoured to be set in Telangana, and follows Rajasekhar’s character who is set out to solve a case. Shravan Bharadwaj is the music composer.
Image Courtesy: ToI