In a shocking incident, Telugu TV actress Naga Jhansi committed suicide by hanging herself at her flat in Hyderabad on Tuesday. Hailing from Krishna district in Andhra Pradesh, she shot to fame through the Telugu TV soap Pavithra Bandham. It is said that the actress was in a relationship with a man named Surya, and their recently break up left her depressed and she ended her life.
She started her career in media by doing small roles in several films and serials. After a long struggle, the 21-year-old actress got a lead role in Pavithra Bandham that aired on Maa TV (now, Star Maa). She was also running a beauty parlour for financial stability.
On Tuesday night, her brother came to her flat and the door didn’t open even after several knocks. Her brother felt that something was wrong, and broke the door with the help of neighbours. He was shocked to see his sister hanging from the ceiling fan. According to police, she was on call with her boyfriend while she took the extreme step. The Hyderabad police are in the process of tracking her call and chat records. It is said that she was in depression for the past few days. Her body has been shifted to Government Hospital for post-mortem, and an investigation will begin after the report.
Several such suicidal incidents have happened in the TV and film industry. In July 2018, Tamil TV actress Priyanka committed suicide in similar way due to a family dispute in Chennai. She was known for her role in the Tamil TV soap Vamsam, starring Ramya Krishnan in the lead. Not just women, the industry has seen several men end their life for various reasons too. In May 2017, Telugu TV actor Pradeep Kumar ended his life by hanging himself months after his marriage with actor Pavani Reddy.
Image Courtesy: Ghamasan