Makkal Needhi Maiam, the party founded by actor turned politician Kamal Haasan, issued a press statement condemning a report by Times Now channel. They said that the report completely twisted Kamal Haasan’s words. His criticism of the government for not announcing a plebiscite in Kashmir was only in reference to an article he wrote three decades back, “An option available at one point in time of history, which is no longer relevant.”
According to the press statement, Times Now took the party president’s words out of context. The press release made clear that a plebiscite was in no way an indication of his position or the party’s position today. “We firmly believe that entire Kashmir is integral part of India and we stand firmly with our armed forces, para-military and central police forces who defend it selflessly,” the statement said.
Earlier, Times Now’s breaking news reported that the actor had said ‘shocking statements’, asking for plebiscite as the solution to the current issue in Kashmir. The reporter said that words like ‘aazad Kashmir’ used by Kamal Haasan were similar to what Nawaz Sherif said in the UN Assembly. The actor’s demands were similar to those of the separatist forces in Kashmir, he said.
At an event by the Rotaract in Chennai, Kamal Haasan he was asked about the CRPF troops’ death in the Pulwama attack. He said, “I strongly disagree when people say that soldiers are born to die. Why should a watchman of our house die for us? If the politicians of both the countries behave properly, then there is no need for anyone to shed lives.”
Kamal then referred to an article written by him three decades back, and asked why the government did not hold a plebiscite in Kashmir and what they were afraid of. He called Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) aazad Kashmir, and said, “If India has to prove we are a far better country, we will not behave like them (Pakistan). There begins neo-politics.”
Image Courtesy: The New Indian Express