Tamil Photo of the Day Happy Birthday: Sonia Agarwal By Dani Charles Mar 28,2019 Share Sonia Agarwal at the Launch of No Strings Attached Restaurant Sonia Agarwal At The Launch of No Strings Attached Restaurant Recommended Mahesh Narayanan to Make Hindi Directorial Debut with ‘Phantom Hospital’, a Genre-Bending Film Based on an Investigation into the Indian Healthcare System Song of The Day: Thathom Thalangu Thathom Vishal Starts Shooting For Ayogya – The Tamil Remake Of Temper Dani Charles is a photographer at Silverscreen India, and can be reached on Twitter at danivcharles or by email at dani@silverscreen.in
Mahesh Narayanan to Make Hindi Directorial Debut with ‘Phantom Hospital’, a Genre-Bending Film Based on an Investigation into the Indian Healthcare System