Following yesterday’s meeting organised to discuss the issue around director John Paulraj’s Agni Devi, the producers’ council TFPC has filed a police complaint against actor Bobby Simha, stating that he did not co-operate with the producers of the movie, and filed false cases against the filmmakers for using body double to complete the film after he quit the project.
In its complaint, the TFPC has also asked for the FIR filed by Bobby Simha to be nullified. However, Bobby Simha’s lawyer G Vijay Kumar told Silverscreen, “An FIR cannot be nullified as they claim. It has its own legal procedures. We would take all legal steps to sustain the FIR.”
TFPC general secretary SS Durai Raj told Silverscreen that the complaint was raised with the commissioner of police who has agreed to take action, and nullify the FIR filed by Bobby Simha.
Speaking about the decisions that came out of the meeting, he said, “We’ve raised the complaint that Bobby Simha has made allegations against the director and producer of the film without verifying details. We’ve asked for action to be taken against him for trying to stop the film from releasing, we have asked for his FIR to be cancelled.”
About rumours regarding a red card issued to the actor by TFPC, he said, “The producers had asked Bobby Simha to take back his complaints, but since he refused to do it the producers themselves have jointly decided not to work with him anymore. We have not officially announced this, but no one will be working with him.”
Agni Devi, starring Bobby Simha and Madhubala in the lead released on March 21. While Bobby Simha and his lawyer have maintained that the film released despite the court’s order for a stay, the producers have stated that no such order was issued. Bobby Simha’s lawyer G Vijay Kumar shared a copy of the order to Silverscreen earlier. It was addressed to the film’s producers Seantoa Studio, asking them to respond to Bobby Simha’s allegations by April 5.
In addition to the case filed in a sub-ordinate court in Coimbatore, Bobby Simha filed a complaint with the Nandambakkam police in Chennai, staying that most of the scenes in the film were shot with a body double and VFX, without his consent. The police booked director John Paulraj under four sections of the IPC, including forgery of documents and criminal breach of trust.
A day after the film’s release, Bobby Simha circulated a video to the press calling out the TFPC for not questioning the film’s release despite the stay order. He also said that he was never called for any talks to mediate the issue.