The Telangana police landed at the Bigg Boss house last afternoon to investigate the kidnapping case against Bigg Boss contestant and actress Vanitha Vijaykumar, filed by her ex-husband Anandraj. The couple has been fighting over the custody of their minor daughter for months.
Last morning it was reported that Anandraj, who filed a case with the Telangana police in February when their daughter went missing after school, approached the Nazarathpet police in Chennai along with Telangana police to locate the child. He alleged that Vanitha had kept her in hiding and demanded her immediate arrest.
Reports say that the police grilled Vanitha for over an hour at the Bigg Boss house last afternoon and her daughter was also later brought in. She clarified to the police that her mother had not kidnapped her and that she was happy to be staying with her in Chennai. The custody of the couple’s younger daughter was given to Anandraj after the divorce in 2012. Anandraj, two police officers from Hyderabad and two from the Nazaretpet station were seen leaving the Bigg Boss house after an hour.
The spokesperson for Vijay TV told Silverscreen that police “conducted a formal inquiry for a personal issue that Vanitha was involved in.”
She also confirmed that Anandraj and the police met Vanitha. She said Vanitha is a contestant of the house and the police case will not have an impact on the show. “Nominations for the first eviction based on audience votes were filed a week ago. For the next 10 days, till announcements about eviction are made, Vanitha will remain in the house,” she said.
Meanwhile, reports also said that the Teynampet police will be arresting model and actress Meera Mitun in the money laundering case filed against her by a designer from TN who accused her of cheated her of Rs 50,000 and alleged that Meera misused the Miss South India title that she won in 2016. The organisers of the Miss South India pageant recently withdrew the title from her.
Teynampet police have not reached the house for this case yet. Reports say that Meera Mitun has clarified that she will meet the police once she leaves the reality show.
The show’s TRP has been soaring since it began in June. Sixteen celebrities are living together in the house, and actor-politician Kamal Haasan is back as the host this season.