India News

Writer’s Residency: Sangam House Is Now Accepting Applications

Sangam House, an international writers’ residency program, located in India, is now accepting applications for its 13th season. Sangam’s residency programs “are designed for writers who have published to some acclaim but not yet enjoyed substantial commercial success. Sangam House seeks to give writers a chance to build a solid and influential network of personal and professional relationships that can deepen their own work, in effect, expanding and diversifying literature.”Sangam House is located at The Jamun, in Bengaluru.


According to, all applicants are automatically considered for the various fellowships on offer, including The Ammi Fellowship that supports writing in Indian languages, The Bhoomija Fellowship which supports writing in Kannada, The Bianca Pancoat Patton Fellowship that supports the work of young women writers from India, The Dhvani Fellowship (sponsored by Aditi: Foundation for the Arts) which supports the work of translators working in and out of Indian languages, The Eternal Vada Fellowship supports which the residency of an American writer, The Lavanya Sankaran Fellowship supports new writing from India, The Murasaki Fellowship which supports the residency for a fiction writer, The Nevatia Fellowship that supports non-fiction writing in English, especially in the areas of social and cultural change, The Prakriti Foundation Fellowships which support writing in Tamil and other Indian languages as well as writing by non-resident Indians, The Writer’s Side Fellowship supports a first time non-fiction writer from South Asia, and a fellowship from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous which supports contemporary writing in Hindi.

The last date to apply for the 2020-2021 residency is June 30, 2020.

Submit your applications at,