Vijay, the Tamil actor, has filed a civil suit in a Chennai court against 11 people, including his father veteran filmmaker SA Chandrasekhar and mother Shoba Chandrasekhar, seeking to restrain them from holding any meetings or activities in his name, The Hindu reported on Sunday.
The case is expected to be heard on September 27.
It is to be noted that this civil suit comes at the time when Vijay Makkal Mandram, a fan body of the actor registered by his father, had announced that its members would be contesting in the local body polls to be held in October in certain districts of Tamil Nadu. Vijay’s counsel submitted that it was the actor’s parents who had given permission for the members of the organisation to contest in elections as independent candidates.
According to The Hindu, the actor has sought a “declaration that the deed of association is null and void” and also asked for a stay on any meetings or activities that use his name. Apart from his parents, the actor also named people who were office-bearers in his fan club as respondents.
This is not the first time the actor has distanced himself from the political steps that his parents have taken. In November 2020, legal representatives of SA Chandrasekhar submitted an application to the Election Commission of India to register Vijay’s fan club as a political party called All India Thalapathy Vijay Makkal Iyakkam. However, Vijay immediately issued a statement that he was in no way involved with the party. He had also warned that action would be taken against anyone who engaged in any political activities using his name, photo, or the name of Vijay Makkal Iyakkam. Following this, Chandrasekhar wrote to the Election Commission withdrawing the application to register the fan club as a political party.
On the work front, Vijay, who was last seen in Master, is currently working on his 65th film Beast, co-starring Pooja Hegde and directed by filmmaker Nelson Dilipkumar. The film is produced by Sun Pictures. The actor is also set to collaborate with Telugu director Vamshi Paidapally on a pan-Indian film.