Actress Shruti Haasan who was last seen in the short film Devi is the latest to jump on the YouTube bandwagon. The 7aum Arivu star who is constantly communicating with her fans on Instagram through live chats and keeping them entertained through the coronavirus-imposed lockdown with her makeup tutorials, music, fitness, and cooking videos has launched her YouTube channel, named after her, on Tuesday, July 21.
Here is the official YT channel of the Multifaceted diva @shrutihaasan
where she’s sharing her musical performances! Subscribe to the channel for some amazing music. Do not forget to hit the bell icon for the surprise awaiting #ShrutzYoutube— Yuvraaj (@proyuvraaj) July 21, 2020
The actress, through her channel, seeks to post behind-the-scenes videos of the original content she’s producing, a glimpse into her musical tours around the world and videos of the various gigs at which she performed.
About her channel, Shruti says, “I have had a lot of fun interacting with fans on social media and I believe an active YouTube channel is the next logical step. It will contain all my original content, ‘behind-the-scenes’ (BTS) footage, and videos from my performances and tours.”
The Behen Hogi Teri actress who has performed extensively across the UK is also working on her maiden album and will launch the same on her YouTube channel soon.
Actress Hansika Motwani had also launched her own YouTube channel recently.
Read: Hansika Motwani Launches Her Own YouTube Channel
On the work front, Shruti will next feature in Hindi in Tigmanshu Dhulia‘s Zee5 Original film Yaara, in Tamil in SP Jhananathan‘s Laabam and in Telugu in Gopichand Malineni’s Krack. She is also reportedly part of Venu Sriram’s Vakeel Saab, an official confirmation is not yet out.
The actress was also recently listed among the ‘100 Most Influential People In Asia/UK/EU 2020’ by the ‘The New York Press News Agency’ alongside AR Rahman, Sonu Nigam, and Udit Narayan.
Yaara hits Zee5 on July 30th, while the rest of the films will hit the screens once theatres open up.
Watch the trailer of Yaara here: