On Thursday evening, actor Kamal Haasan launched the Season 4 promo video of reality TV show Bigg Boss Tamil. The show which usually airs on Star Vijay in June as a daily telecast for a duration of three months, was postponed due to the COVID19 pandemic and the stall on all film and television production.
The fourth season of the show will now reportedly begin airing from the first week of October. In the video, we see Kamal urging people to step out of their houses and get back to work to help those who were reeling under the pandemic for about five months bounce back to normal.
He asked for them to adhere to all precautions listed by WHO and help the chain of people dependent on us. He also asked all to come forward and create a ‘new beginning’, ‘new normal’, and thereby a ‘new life’ saying ‘Naame Theervu’ (We Are The Solution), an initiative by the politician under the political agenda of his Makkal Needhi Maiam. In the end, he signals the arrival of the fourth season of Bigg Boss Tamil.
நாமே தீர்வு pic.twitter.com/sUQDiEOpmo
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) August 27, 2020
The reality show spanning 100 days comprises 14 different contestants from the media/film industry who stay together inside a house, bereft of any communication with the outside world, tackling everyday problems and tasks given by an intangible character – ‘Bigg Boss’. The show saw Kamal Haasan as host for the past three seasons and will continue to do the same for the fourth installment too.
The contestants who will be a part of the house in the fourth season are yet to be revealed. It is speculated that contestants from Star Vijay’s reality cooking show Cook With Comali will be a part of the house along with Tiktok celebrities and serial artists.
Model Arav had won the title in the first season, actor Riythvika had won in the second, and independent singer Mugen Rao in the third.
Watch the Bigg Boss Tamil 4 promo video here.