Performance wise, Sharwanand has done a commendable job that he shines in the emotional sequences with sharp looks but the actor must work on his Tamil dialect as it sounds alien. Nithya Menon has once again proved that she is an awesome performer and she has done a phenomenal work as an independent urban girl in the film. Santhanam has done his part well with his usual comic one liners and Prakash Raj looked good in the short yet powerful role given to him.
Cinematography by Siddharth is brilliant that the entire film looked so colorful and vibrant. The film also has some good music, thanks to GV Prakash and Siddharth Vipin as their music gelled well with the film’s flow.
Overall, JK Ennum Nanbanin Vazhkai is one of the best works of Cheran and we recommend this for all feel good movie lovers.