G. V. Prakash Kumar’s BGM is unobtrusive, which elevates the narration to the higher level and all the three montage songs are pleasing to the ears. Cameraman Manikandan transports the viewer to the slum and the rail yard and one can almost smell the stink and the charcoal. The late Kishore T.E. has seamlessly edited the film to let life unfold on screen. Director Manikandan is a welcome addition to the list of new age filmmakers who are revolutionizing the movie experience. Be it extracting flawless performances from every actor in the film, to telling a tale which has the perfect blend of comedy, heroism, tragedy and a thrilling climax Manikandan has proven he has a tight grip on his medium of expression. ‘Kaaka Muttai’ turns out to be a near perfect marriage of Art and Commercial Cinema.