Mookuthi Amman directed by RJ Balaji created waves when the film was launched on 29 November at the Bhagavathi Amman temple in Kanyakumari with a pooja. The shooting has since commenced in Nagercoil. The first half of the film is being shot there, and the leading lady Nayanthara will be joining the crew soon.
Grish Gopalakrishnan is composing the music for this film. Dinesh Krishnan is handling cinematography and Stunt Silva is choreographing stunts. Selva RK is editing and the costumes are being designed by Divya Nagarajan and Anu Vardhan with Vijayakumar as the art director.
RJ Balaji also stars in Mookuthi Ammam for which he has written the story, screenplay and dialogues for. He is also directing the movie along with NJ Saravanan. Dr. Ishari K Ganesh is producing this film for Vels Film International.
Balaji had recently told the press at the launch of his podcast that Nayantara had begun a 40-day fast since she was working on this spiritual film.