Shamlee, who had people across generations smiling, watching her antics as a child actor, is all set to romance Naga Shaurya in the Telugu family drama Ammammagarillu, directed by Sundar Surya. The film, which releases today, marks her return to films two years after the middling Veera Sivaji in Tamil.
“The team approached me at a time when I was back from learning dance in New York and I was impressed with the director. He was energetic and seemed clear about what he wanted. The producers were accommodating, and the entire set-up was comfortable. Most importantly, the film is feel-good and has everything — comedy, romance, family…” says Shamlee, en route Chennai after a round of promotions in Hyderabad.
The film’s teaser indicates it is a fun-filled family entertainer. It revolves around a grandson going home to be with his grandmother.
If Shamlee studied and worked in Singapore for five years before Veera Sivaji and her Malayalam film Valleem Thetti Pulleem Thetti, this time around, she signed up for classes at the Broadway Dance Center in New York. “I learnt many styles, but finally settled and specialised in jazz — jazz funk, jazz fusion…”
While Shamlee has been listening to projects on and off, she takes up films only when she’s really interested. “The experience of making a movie matters to me; the outcome does not really make an impact,” she says.
Shamlee likes to do a mix of things. “Dance has been a passion since I was a child. I’m also an aspiring artist — I’m at AV Ilango Sir’s place almost every single day. I’ve been learning for a few years now, and hope to hold my show next year. Movies are one of the things I do.”
And no, the actress does not have the fear of missing out. “I plan my schedules around my interests, even if it means I might miss out on a movie or two during my break. I don’t really mind that,” she says.
So, what next after this? “I am listening to scripts, and might have an announcement to make soon,” she smiles.