Velipaadinte Pusthakam, starring Mohanlal, isn’t the best Malayalam film out there. In fact, subjected to mixed reviews, most cinema-goers attest that this film isn’t Lalettan or director Lal Jose’s best ever. Could be their worst, too.
Read our review: Mohanlal Wasted In Lal Jose’s Worst Film To Date
But the film’s song ‘Jimmiki Kammal‘ is a different story altogether. Joining the leagues of several other films who were actually saved by their songs, Velipaadinte Pusthakam is also officially on the map thanks to America’s Late Night Show host Jimmy Kimmel tweeting about it.
@jimmykimmel have you heard the song #jimmikiKammal ?
— varun s Kumar (@varun_s_kumar) September 8, 2017
not until now, but I love it!
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) September 8, 2017
Internet broke loose, especially considering how the song’s name is hilariously similar to Kimmel’s name. One can even imagine replacing the lyrics to :
Oh, and much like her fellow Malayali Oviya, she also has a ‘Sheril Army’.
The memes are creepy enough, but the worst part is, she’s even the victim of several fake profiles. There are fake pages, accounts, and Twitter handles, and Sheril isn’t pleased. Her story is fairly similar to Mrinalini Ravi, a regular girl who was known for her Dubsmash videos. What the two have in common? Film offers from known and unknown filmmakers.
And apart from Sheril being the face of the song, the lyrics aren’t exactly poetry either. A loose translation of the first stanza would be:
My mother’s shiny earrings
Were stolen by my father
So instead my mother
Finished his bottle of brandy
The basic idea of the song is about highlighting the saying, “An eye for an eye” or “Tit for tat”. The video, too, has college students frolicking about, with two boys from rival gangs sparring with each other. Only verbally and through looks though.
Much like other internet challenges, there’s also a #JimikkiKammalChallenge and users are miffed how they’re unable to stop listening to the song.
I don’t know why I am youtubing Jimmikki Kammal everyday. It is making no sense. I must stop doing this. What kind of an OCD is this :O
— SA (@Aravind_SA) September 12, 2017
Entammede JIMIKKI KAMMAL .. repeat mode ? #jimikkiKammal
— AK ? JonaS (@JonasThala) September 6, 2017
These days all u remember when u see a #Mallu is #Jimikkikammal ????
— !!! Jawafied !!! (@simplysankar55) September 12, 2017