10 Enradhukulla will see Vikram play the role of a truck driver. The film’s director Vijay Milton revealed in an interview to the Deccan Chronicle that the movie ‘isn’t a cliched masala film, but a taut thriller with universal appeal’. Jackie Shroff plays a transport dada while the cast of Vijay Milton’s Goli Soda – Sree Raam, Kishore, Pandi, Chandini and Seetha – will make special appearances. Pasupathy, Abhimanyu Singh and Mundasupatti fame Ramadoss essay pivotal roles in the flick. Despite the presence of Samantha, who plays Vikram’s love interest, Vijay Milton has said that the film will not have any ‘low angle shots, duets or commercial elements’.
The Vikram – Samantha Ruth Prabhu starrer is almost complete, except for a few left over scenes.