Ten National Award winners will be coming together for the Hindi remake of Drishyam, quite like Vasantabalan’s Kaaviya Thalaivan. The Hindi film boasts an exceptionally talented cast with the likes of Tabu, Ajay Devgn sharing screenspace. Nishikant Kamat, who bagged the National Award for his directorial Dombivili Fast, will be at the helm of this project while Avinash Arun will handle cinematography. Aarif Shaikh, known for his work on Samay,will be taking care of the editing while Vishal Bharadwaj will handle the music composing. Lyricist Gulzar, who has several awards to his credit, will be penning the lyrics. Production of the film is by Viacom 18, which won three awards in recent time – for Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, Queen and Mary Kom; along with Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak who were recognised for their work in Boond. Suffice to say, it looks like the Hindi remake is in very good hands indeed.
Also part of the film is actress Shriya Saran. While she may not have won National Awards till now, she nonetheless consistently makes it to the top of several most desirable lists since the dawn of her career and still reigns supreme in the hearts of many in the Telugu and Tamil lands.
This film is set to release in July this year.