Celebrities from Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam industry have been paying their last respects to eminent cinematographer-director A Vincent. The veteran, who wielded the camera for iconic films like Kalyana Parisu, Nenjil Oor Aalayam, Then Nilavu, Kadhalikka Neramillai, Bhaktha Prahlada and Enga Veetu Pillai, passed away this morning. Actors and technicians have also taken to Twitter to share their memories of Vincent and his films.
The industry warmly remembers him as ‘Master’.
Deepest condolences for Demise of Vincent Master, genius in film making n cinematography.loved,Admired,Respected n a Role Model to all .RIP
— suresh (@sureshactor) February 25, 2015
Cinematographer Santosh Sivan recalls taking inputs from Vincent.
Vincent Master was an inspiration ! spent time with him, to know more about his work and experiences prior to filming Iruvar
— SantoshSivanASC. ISC (@santoshsivan) February 25, 2015
Mammootty played the lead role in Vincent’s directorial venture Kochu Themmadi that released in 1986.
Heartfelt condolence to the legend Vincent Master. Remembering Kochu Themmadi days http://t.co/Q6L58wqRIy
— Mammootty (@mammukka) February 25, 2015
Filmmaker Raghavendra Rao’s tribute:
RIP A. Vincent garu. We both have worked for many movies. Very sad to hear about his demise. Extremely talented and good at heart..
— Raghavendra Rao K (@Ragavendraraoba) February 25, 2015
Sundeep Kishan and Siddharth on Vincent’s legacy:
Legend Vincent Garu is no more,he is the vision behind many great films & an inspiration to many..you shall always b survived by us sir..RIP
— Sundeep Kishan (@sundeepkishan) February 25, 2015
The legend Aloysius Vincent has left us. Director, cinematographer par excellence. What a legacy he leaves behind! Salute you sir… RIP.
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) February 25, 2015
Vincent was one among the very few cinematographers to be recognised by Indian Society of Cinematographers.
RIP-Master of camera, Great Vincent (ISC) Sir.
— anand k v (@anavenkat) February 25, 2015
Image courtesy: Keralaonlinenews.com