Aamir Khan, who recently launched the trailer of his next production – Secret Superstar, is wary of the Central Board of Film Certification’s (CBFC) functioning lately and thinks they should stick to certifying films as opposed to prohibiting their release.
“I don’t know how relevant it (censorship) is today. As far as my knowledge goes, the CBFC in any case isn’t supposed to censor, it is supposed to certify and grade. That’s how we should proceed. That’s even Shyam Benegal’s recommendation if I am not mistaken. So hopefully things will get better soon,” he told PTI News.
His comments come soon after CBFC chief Pahlaj Nihalani ordered 48 cuts in Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s upcoming film, Babumoshai Bandookbaaz, in order to get certified. Allegedly, the film’s producer Kiran Shroff was humiliated by the examining committee for the language and the story-line of the film.
While Nihalani refuted the reports of any misconduct against the film’s producer, there continues to be several cases of deliberate order of cuts and bans of films by the censor board. He recently refused to certify Malayalam film Ka Bodyscapes for the second time since it dealt with homosexuality and was “against Indian culture”.
Meanwhile, Aamir Khan is promoting Secret Superstar, a storyline similar to his last film Dangal. The film stars Zaira Wasim as Insu, a young girl who is determined to pursue her dreams against all odds. The film has Khan playing a music director called Shakti Kumarr who spouts life-advice and gives away awards.
Also read: Secret Superstar’s Trailer Has Zaira Wasim Doing What She Does Best – Fight
Speaking about children on reality shows, he told PTI: “There are kids who are talented and want to be out there to show their talent, it gives them an opportunity. At the same time, we shouldn’t get so aggressive about it that we really rob them of their childhood.”
Secret Superstar is slated for a Diwali release.