Pahlaj Nihalani has said that the makers of The Accidental Prime Minister need to get an NOC from former PM Manmohan Singh, on whom it is based. He told ToI:
“The maker of The Accidental Prime Minister, producer Sunil Bohra, would have to get an NOC from Manmohan Singhji, Sonia Gandhiji and all the other real-life politicians who are part of the narrative. This rule applies without fail. There are no exceptions. And although my current tenure as the CBFC chairperson ends in January 2018 and this film will come up for censorship after that, I am sure the guidelines regarding biopics would remain unchanged.”
Nihalani also pointed out that the film’s lead star, Anupam Kher, would also be aware of the rules, given his past role as the Chairperson of the CBFC.
“Anupam Kher was himself the CBFC chairperson not too long ago. Ashoke Pandit, who considers himself a part of the CBFC, is also a part of the film on Manmohan Singhji. And Hansal Mehta, who is writing the film, claims to be a victim of the censorship guidelines every time his film is on release. I can’t imagine how these people cannot be aware of the NOC required for censor clearance of films based on real-life figures,” Nihalani added.
The Accidental Prime Minister is scheduled to release in 2018.
Pic: IBN Live