Veteran actress Sharmila Tagore recently talked about sharing screen-space with her children, actors Saif Ali Khan and Soha Ali Khan. In a chat with DNA, the 72-year-old actress said it feels ‘gimmicky’ for a family to come together on screen.
The Aradhana actress was seen together with her son in movies like Eklavya and Aashiq Awara. She said, “as actors, we are selfish people and want to bring our best elements to screen with the best roles. When you pair families together, they are gimmicky stunts and don’t work unless the director of the film feels that the script and characters deserve that and we all fit in organically. It also depends on the audience and whether they want to see us together.”
When asked why she is not seen often on big screen, she said: “It’s not that I don’t like working in films. I do, and to act in a film, right from start, camera to cut, is beautiful.”
She was last seen in a pivotal role in the 2010 Imran Khan-Deepika Padukone starrer, Break Ke Baad.
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