Actor Balakrishna was in Chennai for the audio launch of the Tamil version of his Gautamiputra Satakarni. Speaking at the event, the actor said:
“This film is a very special one to me. It is my 100th film, and as such, is very close to my heart. That’s why I made it a point to come here today. I am one of you. I was born in Chennai, brought up here. I am a honorary Tamilian.”
The actor said that he wanted to do something different to mark his 100th film. “I heard many scripts. But this was the only one that made me feel inspired. Immediately after Krish narrated the story to me, I thought of my father, MGR and Sivaji Ganesan. Such was the story.”
The actor is shooting for his next with KS Ravikumar in Kumbakonam at present. He has a 40-day schedule, following which he will go on a break. Nayanthara is the female lead of this film, reports indicate.