Aishwarya Dhanush is all set to wield the megaphone again. She is, currently, working on her next project titled Cinema Veeran, and reportedly, the film will have music scored by AR Rahman. Aishwarya Dhanush, on Wednesday, expressed her excitement through a tweet, “Sir!!!!!!! Such an honor to have you on board ..truly a project very close to my heart .thank you again”
The film is about the stunt choreographers and stunt men in Kollywood. The music ensemble, Qutb E Kripa, from KM Music conservatory will work in the film.
@ash_r_dhanush‘s cinema veeran with my Qutb E Kripa’s music composers . An ode to Tamil fighters and stuntmen, the unsung heroes..
— A.R.Rahman (@arrahman) February 22, 2016