There have been reports that Aishwarya R Dhanush will be making her acting debut with Ranjith’s next film starring Rajinikanth. The film is being produced by Dhanush, hence spiking the rumours. Aishwarya’s publicist, however, tells us that these reports are untrue. “Aishwarya ma’am may be involved in the film in some way, given that it is their home production, but she will definitely not be acting in the film,” he said.
Aishwarya has only been working behind the camera calling the shots in films like 3 and Vai Raja Vai. She is currently working on her documentary film, Cinema Veeran, which is about stuntmen in cinema. The music ensemble, Qutb E Kripa, from A R Rahman’s KM Music Conservatory will work in the film. Connected to this film, she as filmmaker has also made an appeal to include a category for stuntmen in the National Film Awards.
Apart from film direction, Aishwarya has also returned to performing classical dance along with her Guru Meenakshi Chitharanjan. Aishwarya has also been appointed as The United Nations Women’s Goodwill Ambassador for South India.