Director Priyadarshan is all set to make a comeback in Bollywood with a remake of his 2016 Malayalam film, Oppam. The film will most likely star Ajay Devgn as the blind liftman who befriends a retired judge. The original had Mohanlal playing the role.
The director told Deccan Chronicle, “I am not allowed to talk about it right now, but I look forward to working with Ajay again. The two films that I did with him in the past — Aakrosh and Tezz — were disasters. I was in a terrible state of mind while making them. But we got along really well. And I owe him a big success,” he said.
The movie is a thriller and will be bankrolled by Viacom 18 Motion Pictures, who had earlier worked with Devgn on the remake of another Mohanlal film, Drishyam.