Actor Ajith, who sustained injuries on his hands and legs while shooting for a bike stunt for Valimai, has recovered. Ajith’s publicity manager Suresh Chandra told Silverscreen India on Friday that the actor recovered and resumed shooting within the hour. The injury occurred ten days ago when Ajith’s bike skidded off the road during a stunt sequence in the rain, said Chandra.
The confirmation comes in the wake of days of speculation on social media. No official announcement had been issued from the filmmakers.
Chandra has said that Ajith is back in Chennai, now that the part of the shoot involving the stunt sequence has been completed.
Valimai, touted to be a cop thriller, is directed by H Vinoth, who also made Sathuranga Vettai, Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru, and Nerkonda Paarvai. Valimai reportedly has three female leads, including Huma Qureshi, Yami Gautam and Ileana D’Cruz. Valimai also stars Kartikeya Gummakonda, Pavel Navageethan and Yogi Babu in supporting roles.
The film is being bankrolled by Boney Kapoor, who also produced Ajith’s last film Nerkonda Paarvai. Valimai‘s music is being composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja.
The pooja for the movie was held in Chennai last year. The movie was initially slated for a Diwali 2020 release. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, however, brought the shoot to a halt.
Thus far there have been no announcements about the film’s release.