Ajith Kumar’s next film with Vivegam director Siruthai Siva is already garnering a lot of attention. Viswasam will be the fourth collaboration between the actor and the director. Apart from Vivegam, Siva has directed Veeram, Vedalam starring Ajith.
The latest to join the cast is Nayanthara. She has worked with the actor in Billa, Aegan and Arrambam.
A lot of speculations floated around the music composer. It started with Yuvan Shankar Raja, but he reportedly walked out of the project due to some unknown reasons. Then Harris Jayaraj, CS Sam and Anirudh Ravichander were being considered but according to reports, D. Imman has been finalised to handle the music for the movie. This will be Imman’s first film with Ajith.
Today’s News Paper Article about #Viswasam Movie:
“Movie will be an out & out Family Entertainment,The Script Will have Humor & all commercial elements,Catering to the Audience from All Centres,The Film will be Totally Set in India” pic.twitter.com/BD8nIFyaem
— AJITHKUMAR FANS CLUB (@ThalaAjith_FC) February 8, 2018
The movie is in its pre-production stage and the story is set along a rural backdrop while Vivegam was shot entirely in Europe.
The film is slated to release on Diwali and will be produced by Satya Jothi Thyagarajan.