Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, who is currently working on the Hindi remake of Kaththi, has donated Rs 1 crore to Bhoomika Trust for Chennai flood relief. The actor said that he was shocked to see the plight of the city after the unprecedented rainfall last week.
When he told director Priyadarshan that he wanted to make a donation, the director asked Akshay to contact Suhasini Mani Ratnam, who along with her husband Mani Ratnam have been actively involved in the relief work.
RJ Balaji and actor Siddharth, recently, announced that their rehabilitation project for flood victims, Chennai Micro would collaborate with Bhoomika Trust and Air India for further activities. Organisations like Telugu actors relief movement, Mana Madras Kosam and Kochi’s Anbodu Kochi movement have been supplying food, blankets and clothes for the poeple in Chennai and Cuddalore.