Akshay Kumar has agreed to star in actor-director Divya Khosla’s film, according to a recent Mid Day article. Divya, whose directorial ventures include Yaariyan (2014) and Sanam Re (2016), met the actor recently and has reportedly roped him in for the lead role.
News of Akshay and Divya working together was first heard in July last year, when a DNA report said that the actor had signed her next film and would begin filming in September (2016). However, Divya refuted the news soon enough. “I am still writing the film and (have) not approached anyone yet,” she told PTI.
Divya has since directed the Yami Gautam-Pulkit Samrat starrer Sanam Re, a romance drama.
Incidentally, the latest movie would mark Akshay Kumar’s and Divya’s second collaboration together, having previously worked as co-stars in 2004’s Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyo.
Pic: Indian Express