Filmmaker Vipul Amurutlal Shah has been forced to change the title of his film to Namastey Canada, after Akshay Kumar denied the team Intellectual Property (IP) rights to use the title ‘Namastey London’. The film stars Arjun Kapoor and Parineeti Chopra. The film is a sequel to Kumar’s Namastey London, was earlier titled Namastey London.
According to a report in the Mid-Day, “The project took some time to get finalised and Akshay got busy with other projects, including Toilet: Ek Prem Katha, Padman, 2.0 and Gold. So, Vipul signed Parineeti and Arjun for the film. Both, Akshay and Vipul own the Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the Namastey series, and when the filmmaker approached him for the rights, the actor refused to part with the titles Namastey London 2 or Namastey England. He told Vipul that he may want to produce and act in Namastey England later. So, the filmmaker had no choice but to change the title to
Namastey Canada.”
The filmmaker had plans to shoot the entire film in UK and hence wanted to title it “Namastey London”. Now that the they have failed to get the rights from Akshay, they have not got the rights from Akshay, the team plans to shift the shoot location from the UK to Canada.
Namstey London starred Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif in the lead roles and released in 2007.