Alia Bhatt and Raman Raghav actor Vicky Kaushal are reportedly teaming up for a film directed by Meghna Gulzar. According to a PTI report on Hindustan Times, Alia will play the role of a Kashmiri woman married to Vicky Kaushal, an army officer.
The movie is based on a book by Harinder Sikka called Calling Sehmat. The film will revolve around the couple who live across the border, providing Indian intelligence with invaluable information during the 1971 Indo-Pak War.
While the two actors are yet to officially sign up for this film, a source has told PTI that the film will go on floors next month and will be jointly produced by Junglee Pictures and Dharma Productions.
It is speculated that Alia, who had allotted all her dates from July to Ayan Mukerjee’s superhero film, Dragon, with Ranbir Kapoor, might put this film on hold. Vicky Kaushal, meanwhile, is currently a part of Sanjay Dutt’s biopic starring Ranbir Kapoor.
Pic: DNA India