Telugu actor Allu Sirish who was last seen six years ago in a Tamil film, Gauravam directed by Radhamohan, has been roped in to play the lead role alongside Vijay Antony in a yet-to-be titled bilingual film. Written and directed by Vijay Milton, it will see the director handling cinematography as well. Allu Sirish was supposed to act in actor Suriya’s Kaappaan but due to date issues he opted out of the film and Arya replaced him.
An official statement from the makers said that Allu Sirish will be seen playing an innocent man from a humble background in the film. The rest of the cast and crew are being finalised, a source close to the production told Silverscreen.
The actor took Twitter to share the news with his fans.
Happy to be venturing into Tamil cinema again in a new bi-lingual film starring @vijayantony sir & myself. Dir by @vijaymilton sir. Following his work since Golisoda, excited to be working with him now. Produced by @FvInfiniti. @ChennaiTimesTOI
— Allu Sirish (@AlluSirish) September 2, 2019
Vijay Antony expressed his eagerness to work with Allu Sirish on a tweet.
Hi sir ? Excited to work with you. Waiting to meet you soon ??
— vijayantony (@vijayantony) September 2, 2019
This movie, being bankrolled by Kamal Bohra (Shanti Telefilms), Lalitha Dhananjayan (BOFTA Media Works) and Pradeep Kumar (Diya Movies) for Infiniti Film Ventures, is expected to go on floors this November.