Amitabh Bachchan will team up with Sairat director Nagraj Manjule for a new film. Manjule makes his Bollywood debut with this project, which is said to be a social drama. It has Amitabh Bachchan as a ‘patriarch with shades of grey’, according to a Mumbai Mirror report.
Bachchan will begin work on the Manjule film in October after he wraps up work on Vijay Krishna Acharya’s Thugs Of Hindostan. The actor is currently shooting for the wildly popular game show – Kaun Banega Crorepati.
He is also a part of films with directors Ayan Mukherji, Shoojit Sircar, R Balki and Umesh Shukla.
An official announcement regarding the rest of the cast and crew for Manjule’s film is expected soon.