Director Anand Shankar has confirmed that his upcoming film, which features actor Vikram, will be bankrolled by Ayngaran International. Speaking to Silverscreen, he added that the shooting schedule would be finalized by the end of next week. Earlier reports had suggested that producer Kalaipuli S Thanu had intervened to state that he would be funding the project.
Reportedly, a complaint by Kalaipuli S Thanu had led to the cancellation of the Malayasia stint of the first schedule. Now that the issue has been resolved, the director expects shooting to begin shortly.
The movie is likely to be titled Marma Manithan. However, we are yet to receive any confirmation on that. Actresses Kajal Aggarwal and Bindu Madhavi will be playing the female leads. Earlier, actress Priya Anand had been selected as one of the leads, but the actress had opted out for reasons unknown.