Actress Ananya has spoken out against allegations about her “unprofessional behaviour” on the sets of Athithi. The film’s producer Nikesh Ram had stated earlier that he incurred heavy losses due to the actress’ behaviour. “Ananya didn’t come to the sets on time and created a lot of minor issues during shooting. After all this, she didn’t even bother to show up for promotions,” he had said. Ananya has now hit back at her producer claiming that she was “not informed about the audio launch and promotions” and brushed away the allegations as baseless.
She also added that she was on the sets during those dates, but the producers had failed to make use of her call-sheet. “They absolutely mismanaged the project and now, they want to blame me. I’ve been fully co-operative with the cast and crew and that is the truth,” she said.
Athithi opened to mixed reviews last month, and failed to do well at the box office.