Anupama Kumar, who was recently seen in the Tamil film Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu 2 has teamed up with long time friend and actor Kishore (who was in Vada Chennai and House Owner most recently) for Kadhavu/Kadha, a Tamil-Kannada bilingual project.
Speaking to Silverscreen, Anupama says the film will be shot entirely in black-and-white, a tribute of sorts to Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick. “The making and the look and feel will be similar to a Hitchcockian drama. The core concept of the film is privacy, and it will deal with how people living in the same house behave like strangers with each other, but don’t hesitate to allow total strangers into their bedrooms, thanks to the Internet. You have no idea who is watching you. The film will also delve into the fragility of relationships,” she adds. “Kishore and I have been speaking about roles drying up after a certain age, and not being able to do the kind of work we wish to. One day, we decided that it is possible to make the kind of movies we want if we embark on an indie project with a small team, and budget. We can afford to make it and it also fits us as actors. We are conscious people and feel we should use this medium effectively to explore our creativity and make a comment on contemporary society too,” says Anupama, who sports a totally new look in this film.
The film will be made in ‘co-production’ mode, with all the technicians and artistes coming on board without a salary but for a share in the profits. The names of the rest of the cast and the technical crew has not been revealed yet. The title was announced on Kishore’s birthday. Kadhavu/Kadha asks two primary questions, says Anupama. How okay is it to be peeping into others’ lives? And, how okay is it to let others to take a peek into your lives? While answering these, it also explores the dark recesses of the human mind.
The actress, who was co-director and co-producer of Lokesh Kumar’s My Son Is Gay, which did well on the festival circuit and is awaiting release, is also working in a film with Harish Kalyan and Vivekh, and another titled N4, with Lokesh again, set in North Chennai, besides other projects.