A source close to the team of Appatakkar has confirmed that the shooting of the film has been wrapped up. Currently, director Suraj is super busy with the post-production work. Re-recording and dubbing are expected to commence in a while.
Actress Trisha, who plays one of the female leads in the movie, completed her portions back in April. The album of Appatakkar -composed by S Thaman – is a star-fuelled one with singer Deva, actors STR, Jayam Ravi, Vivek, Swathi Reddy and music director-cum-singer Imman lending their voices to the songs.
Appatakkar starring Jayam Ravi, Trisha and Anjali, is said to be an action comedy bankrolled by Lakshmi Movie Makers. The supporting cast of the movie comprises of Soori, Prabhu, Vivek, Ashvin Raja and Naan Kadavul Rajendran. Actress Poorna will be seen grooving for an ‘item number’ in this movie which has cinematography and editing by UK Senthil Kumar and RK Selva respectively.