Music director AR Rahman has donated Rs 25 Lakh to chief minister J Jayalalithaa’s flood relief fund. Expressing his anguish over the disaster, the Oscar-winning composer tweeted on December 1, “Oh god, please keep my Chennai and its people safe from the floods”.
Oh god, please keep my Chennai and its people safe from the floods
— A.R.Rahman (@arrahman) December 1, 2015
Rahman’s studio in Chennai was also affected by the flood. The composer, on Facebook, said that his family and employees had to pump out water from the studio every 15 minutes.
AR Rahman, currently, has Gautham Menon’s Achcham Enbadhu Madamaiyada, and Vikram Kumar’s 24 in the pipeline. Also, he is gearing up for a concert in Chennai and Coimbatore on January 16 and 23 respectively.