AR Rahman took a dig at the whole idea of having separate concerts for Hindi and Tamil music listeners in a promo video for his upcoming concerts in Canada. The video has the composer inviting people for his concert, ending with his joke.
“I’m sure the Tamil show is for Hindi people, and the Hindi show is for Tamil people. I’m just joking,” he signs off. This dig is aimed at his infamous Wembley Stadium concert.
In July, several who attended the concert at Wembley Stadium, London, took umbrage at the fact that the composer performed more Tamil songs than Hindi. Celebrities came out in support of the artiste, criticising the Hindi imposition that the attendees subscribed to. The show was called ‘Netru Indru Naalai’, and even featured a list of the songs he had performed, most of which were Hindi songs.
His concert in Canada is scheduled to take place on October 20 (for Hindi listeners) and October 21 (for Tamil listeners).
Watch the video here: