AR Rahman has been signed on as the music director of Sundar C’s next film, a historical film produced by Thenandal Films. The film is planned as a Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi trilingual, and is likely to be the most expensive Tamil film ever made. Actress Khusbhu, who is also Sundar C’s wife, tweeted the news confirming the announcement :
Actors r not yet decided..other technicians will come on board soon..but assure u it will b the biggest..#Sundar.C’sNextBig #thebiggestever❤
— khushbusundar (@khushsundar) June 30, 2016
While the cast of the film has not been announced, names of actors like Vijay, Suriya, and Mahesh Babu have been doing the rounds. Tamil writer Prapanchan, the author of the Sahitya Akademi award winning novel Vaanam Vasappadum, has written the story. Bhadri Narayanan is also working on the script. Sabu Cyril is the film’s production designer and RC Kamala Kannan is the VFX supervisor.
Sundar C is currently directing Kalakalapu 2, a sequel to his 2012 comedy Kalakalapu.