Arjun Kapoor plays the lead role in Rajkumar Gupta’s new film India’s Most Wanted. The makers tweeted a first look picture of Kapoor’s character that goes by the name of ‘Prabhat.’ He plays the role of an Intelligence Bureau officer who is on a mission to capture one of India’s most wanted terrorists.
Prabhat is out on a mission. we wish him all the best . #IndiasMostWanted @rajkumar_rkg @arjunk26 @foxstarhindi #IMW.
— Raapchik Films (@raapchik_films) September 3, 2018
Gupta, who previously directed Ajay Devgn in last year’s Raid, had announced in May that he was collaborating with Kapoor and Fox Star Studios with a script that he had been working on for the past three years. The story is based on a real-life incident.
“When he narrated India’s Most Wanted to me I was moved, I was proud of my motherland and its unsung heroes. It is a film that will inspire patriotism within all of us. To play a character that might not be known to everybody but needs to be known by everybody was exciting. It’s always been something that has been at the back of mind,” said Kapoor about the movie.
A view to a kill. Let the hunt begin. #IndiasMostWanted @rajkumar_rkg @foxstarhindi
— arjunk26 (@arjunk26) August 29, 2018
Kapoor said that what appealed to him the most was that the story, even though based on real-life incidents, wasn’t structured like a biopic. “It’s actually an event that transpired very recently but not a lot of people know much about it,” said that actor.
However, not much information has been made available regarding who or what exactly the story was based on. The movie that marks Kapoor’s 12th appearance on screen has been jointly produced by Fox and Gupta’s production house Raapchik films.
Kapoor was last seen in an item song in this year’s Bhavesh Joshi Superhero, while his last major release was last year’s Mubarakan. He is currently awaiting the release of Namaste England, a sequel to the 2007 Akshay Kumar-starrer Namastey London.
Meanwhile, India’s Most Wanted, which according to the actor is a tribute to ‘all the unsung heroes who laid down their lives to protect ours’, will release on May 24 next year.