Arun Sagar, the baddie from Kannada films, will be marking his debut in Tamil with Sandamarudham, which sees Sarath Kumar in dual roles – as that of the protagonist and the antagonist. Confirming the news to Silverscreen, Arun Sagar said, “I am deeply thankful to Sarath sir for this role. While it is not too big, it is definitely meaty and will get me noticed. The story of the film is strong and we hope it will be received well.”
The cast includes Sarayu and Avani Modi as female leads, besides Samuthirakani, Vijayakumar, Radha Ravi, Imman Annachi, Dhandapani, Malavika and Radhika Sarathkumar. With music by James Vasanthan, the film is being produced by Listin Stephen and Radhika Sarathkumar under her home banner, Radaan Media and Magic Frames.