Tamil News

Arya To Take Part In London Cycling Challenge

Arya is currently in London to take part in one of Britain’s greatest cycling challenges, London Edinburgh London (LEL). The cycling event begins today in London, and challenges riders to cycle to Edinburgh and back to London in just five days. The ride is 1441 kms long.  

Speaking to Silverscreen from London, Arya said, “I have got just 100 hours to ride from London to Edinburgh and

get back to London. So, I will be riding close to 18 hours a day. Also, the elevation is the toughest part. After years of  cycling experience, I am here for this event. This will be a lifetime experience as I will be passing through some incredible scenery, from Scottish villages to the Fens of Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire.”

The riders will be provided with food and accommodation, and volunteers on hand in event of sickness. Arya, who is not new to long-distance cycling, said: “This event happens only every four years. So, I have been riding for 100 kms a day for the past few years, aiming to participate in this challenge. I have done rigorous weight training and core exercises, too. Cycling is just not part time, I take it seriously.”

Arya will be seen sporting the 2.o jersey during the ride. Lyca has sponsored the actor for this event.
