Asha Sharath, who impressed audiences all over with her powerful performance in Drishyam, will be stepping into Kollywood with Papanasam. The movie will see her donning the role of a shrewd police officer. Apparently, Kamal Haasan was so impressed with her performance in the film, that he had her sign up for a role in his next film, Thoongavanam.
During the press meet of Papanasam, he announced that she will be playing an important role in the film, but did not divulge any more details about it. Thoongavanam has Trisha playing the female lead and there were reports that Manisha Koirala will be playing Kamal’s ex-wife. It is unclear as to what role Asha will be essaying, but there were pictures from the movie sets that were circulating on social media few days back, where she was seen wearing a lab-coat.
Directed by Rajesh M Selva, Thoongaavanam boasts an ensemble cast of Kamal Haasan, Trisha, Prakash Raj, Madhu Shalini, Manisha Koirala, Yugi Sethu, Kishore and Sampath. The technical team includes cinematographer Sanu Varghese, music director Ghibran and editor Vijay Shankar.
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