Tamil actor Ashok Selvan, known for his roles in Soodhu Kavvum (2013), Pizza 2 and Thegidi (2014), is set to make his debut in Telugu cinema soon. According to a Deccan Chronicle report, he has been approached by Bharat Varma for a ‘romantic entertainer’ which might feature actress Swathi Deekshit.
A source told DC that the actor has been hoping to explore opportunities down South, and is considering a perfect film to mark his Telugu debut.
Ashok Selvan cannot be reached for comment.
The actor, meanwhile, has four films in the pipeline – two of which are slated to release soon. Currently filming for Richie with Nivin Pauly, which is a remake of Kannada film Ulidavaru Kandanthe, Ashok has four other movies including Sila Samayangalil, Kootathil Oruthan, Pirai Thaediya Naatkal, and Nenjamellam Kadhal.