Actor Atharvaa, who received national recognition for Paradesi, will now be teaming up with director Rajamohan, of Kunguma Poovum Konjipuravum fame. Speaking to Silverscreen, Atharvaa’s assistant said, “Yes, his next film is with director Rajamohan. He is yet to sign on the dotted line, which he will by next week.” The director’s publicist has confirmed that shooting will begin in mid-July.
A Times of India report suggested that the team of the yet-untitled film is now on the look-out for a suitable female lead. Although the movie uses the backdrop of an incident in 1957, the director clarified that this wasn’t a period movie, and that it is set in the current timeline.
The film, which stars Atharvaa, Thambi Ramaiah and SP Charan, is about the struggles that village people undergo to get basic amenities. The film will be shot in the hilly areas of Theni, Kodaikanal and Maraiyur.
In other news, Atharvaa’s assistant also said that the actor has completed the dubbing for Sargunam’s Chandi Veeran, and is now dubbing for Eeti. According to him, Chandi Veeran is likely to release on July 17, or the following week.